Why do enforcement officers make it so difficult for pasar malam operators, checking and verifying and rechecking their permits all the time .... and why do we still see mamak stalls using the roadside and walking pavements of neighboring shops as if they own the place... other businesses pay rents, heck I operate a mamak stall next time just rent 500 sf enough already for my kitchen... the tables all can use the walkways and roadside.... ok, I don't mind mamak stalls using "free properties" to their advantage, then pass some of the cost savings to the customers la ... cb piece of chicken cost RM4.50!!!???... how to side with you???
Why does the Federal Highway transform into an autobahn after 11pm every night??? Why we see no police action on these F1-wannabes???
Why do we still see so many false monks on the streets ripping people off .... if they are monks, they cannot be seen to be begging or asking for donations ...
Why do we see frequent police roadblocks on paid tollways??? Cbmf... we pay special tolls to get there faster, not pay tolls for police to shine torches into our cars ... and they always stop the motorcyclists only anyway ... must be a better way to rein in motorbikes' bad boys...
Why do we still see illegal taxis touting their services at airports??? When will we realise that our taxi system is archaic, the top guys only care how many permist are dished out and to whom ... there is nobody interested to improve taxi services in terms of cleanliness, image, service, manners, integrity - we couldn't care if tourists get ripped off, and yet we see ads like Malaysia Truly Asia being sung every night on Astro ... yea we are Truly Fucking The Tourists (from the moment they arrive they have to deal with these unscrupulous taxis ... on average each day they might have to use taxis 4 times a day, how is that for an excellent image and wonderful memories to bring back to their country) ... which fucking Ministry is responsible for taxis, please stand up!!!
Kuala Lumpur is said to have to worst Taxi situation among the
South-East Asian capitals. It is not that easy to find a taxi that puts on the
meter so mostly prices will be negotiated before you get in. - taken from a backpacker website's advice column
South-East Asian capitals. It is not that easy to find a taxi that puts on the
meter so mostly prices will be negotiated before you get in. - taken from a backpacker website's advice column
Why do we still see legal taxis trying their best to rip off tourists .... just go and check KLCC, Central Market, Telekom Tower and Petaling Street for daily evidence ...
Why do we still many people getting scammed and cheated every day by dubious companies selling dubious products or promising dubious investment returns ... why are we still so backward in not putting in an enforcement agency with teeth to deal with these companies and address complaints and those having been deluded by these companies ... its like you go to the police (there's nothing much they can do).... you go to Companies Commission (there's nothing much they can do) ... you go to Securities Commission (they can only deal with outright investing schemes such as forex or index trading without licensing) how about ... land banking, donchno ... car rental, donchno ... cafe scheme, donchno ... ... time to add teeth and fangs to the relevant regulatory bodies ...
Seriously, why can't we have a few dog parks .... if you have a dog there are not many places you can take your dogs for walks and exercise, except Central Park in BU and Desa Park City ...
p/s photos: Tracey Yip Chui Chui
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