Well, I can say now that the investing/ finance / biz talk by yours truly is finally on. Details will be out in a day or two. The headline of the event is A Funny Thing Happened On My Way To The Stock Exchange.
After weeks of planning, juggling the topics and all, I have finally arrived at sufficient material that would be highly interesting. I have set out some of the topic on the jpg file (flyer) but the most important nuggets will be on how I arrive at my decision to buy a stock, the step by step mental process and tools I use to consider.
However, possibly the most exciting part should be the extended Q&A session planned at the end. It should be a lot of fun, and hopefully we all get to learn something new from each other. See ya!!!
+ Please note that this is NOT a talk whereby stock tips will be given out. It is a collection of investing rules, opinions, clarifications on myths and some useful pointers on equity investing.
Some of the topics covered: Getting the big-picture first ~ Bottom-up for certain type of stocks ~ When to use PE ratios, and when not to ~ What I look for in reading Annual Reports ~ Sector and industry research under-analyzed and under-appreciated ~ How and when to use NTA / NAV in investments ~ A defensible business model ~ The trader’s view of investing ~ The long term buy and hold mentality, is that for you? ~ Everyone must diversify? ~ Over 90% of all fund managers fail to outperform their benchmark indices? ~ Spotting the 2, 3 or 4 baggers ~ Letting winners run and cutting losses ~ Why research reports are generally useless ~ Sell In May & Go Away ~ I am so smart but not making money from the stock market? ~ Reaction patterns in a panic / crisis situation ~ Buffett’s “Our favorite holding period is forever” b.s. or golden rule ~ Understand the flimsy ways we make decisions (e.g. anchor & adjust, media power, analysts) ~ Value investing vs Momentum investing ~ Economics, like most economists, are basically useless tools ~ Malaysia’s own bubbles and cycles ~ Sunsets, rainbows and pots of gold ~ Accumulate gems, trade rubbish, spring clean your portfolio – How important is management in stock selection ~ Why dollar-cost averaging is for imbeciles ~ Technical analysis and chartists are from Uranus ~ Should you invest overseas?
p/s photos: Haruna Yabuki
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