Survey Results & Analysis

The 10 hour survey had a very good response rate. Usually less than one quarter of blog visitors will ever complete a survey on a site. Mine had a completion rate of 56% resulting in over 700 completed responses.

The first question was obvious. Even though you cannot get everybody to "like" you, it still hurts a bit when they answered "No, at any price" ... sigh... The good bit would be that there was 59% positive respondents, which meant that out of 700 surveyed, 413 would be positive about attending - imagine if I can get a few of the girls featured on my blog to act as ushers!!?? The 20% that answered "other" were mainly those seeking for the talks to be free - aiyah... must make it worthwhile for me to get out of bed la.

I will be doing the Career Talk on Financial Markets first, which is aimed at A-level students, biz college students and fresh graduates, people considering a mid career change to financial markets, and concerned parents. Following that, I will look into the Investing Talk. It will be basically my own thoughts on investing, things that one should look out for, things to improve our investment decision making skills, etc...

. Would you be interested to attend an investment talk by S Dali,
about 3 hours long?

No, at any price


Yes, provided its btw RM 70 - 110 pp


Yes, even if its btw RM 120 - 180 pp

Other, Please Specify


2. The FBM-KLCI index is now hovering at 1136, where do you think it
will be end of the year 2009?

-1000 or lower










-1250 or higher

Other, please specify


3. How do you feel about the female photos being featured in my blog?

Don't mind them, not the main reason I come to your blog.


Prefer you not to put them up, its a distraction
and it cheapens your blog.


The photos are excellent and blends well with your information,
both equally important.


Without the photos, I will visit your blog a lot less,
sorry but its true.

Other, please specify


As for the markets prediction, this is a very strong indicator. Some 49% of respondents think the local bourse will finish at 1200 or higher by year end. If I were to ask the same question in February 2009, I am pretty sure the percentage would be more than halved. The 49% figure shows that there is a strong underlying belief that things are turning around globally and locally we are not that badly affected.

This surveyed figure is all the more important because the visitors to Malaysia Finance are more attuned to business and finance matters than the general public. Rightly or wrongly, this survey looks at a supposedly more "knowledgeable" populace.

As for the female photos, its very very clear: 39% + 31% + 14% = 84% ... the photos stay!!! I can afford to lose the 9%.

As for what to write more of, or less of :

1 More on market views and market information
2 more market outlook and world wide economy development and what about your tropic on investors mistakes ?
3 keep to your current mixes. Do not want it to be overly focused in any particular area.
4 What you are doing is fine. Keep it up.
5 what you are doing presently is okay maybe a bit more on the economic situations
6 stocks pick
7 You are excellent. Thanks for all the very informative and interesting articles.
8 more on asean & china
9 your own investments.
10 Please write more of your views on our local stock market and the stocks you favour.

I notice that your comment on certain stocks do have impact on the market price.


11 continue to write about the "behind story" of the each broker/analysist report as they are mostly biased
12 comments on specific listed companies
13 more on klci direction. buys or sells pick. ongoing macro readings of malaysia as well as Asean and the world. oil and gold direction.
14 General economic condition. Retail data survey, consumption pattern..and also holiday destination
15 A suggestion: Post those photos according to the temperament of your postings. :)
16 Quality of Malaysian share
17 Sometimes a bit of humility goes a long way, as some of your calls are good, some are very bad, do admit mistakes when calls are wrong....
18 your blog is heaven sent. if ppl want you to write other stuff, they might as well visit other blogs. and keep the girls pls.
19 It is good as it is now. Very helpful.
20 write more foreign stocks, less of american economist view
21 Locally context-related.
22 more on malaysian stocks
23 Write more on investment perspectives.
24 market gossips
25 Property market.

51 continue with what you are doing. it's fine with me.
52 up to you,it 's yr blog remember?
53 Good food. A hard day's labour to be compensated with a fine man's dinner
54 More on global economy, malaysian stock market.
55 More investment ideas.
56 More of your analysis, not just of regurgitating what others wrote.
57 Undervalue stocks and those stocks which are worth more dead than alive like for example Oriental Holdings Bhd
58 analysis of the market trend with respect to international on going issues, local political aspects etc. I am a malaysian who have not in malaysia for the past 20 years but still investing from time to time, in case I will retired in Malaysia, which is still consider a home for me.
59 It's yr blog, u can write what u know. tks
60 More on counters selection (or de-selection) and why.

61 the same
62 Very informative with the fact support .
63 Nothing
64 u are very good at stock market
65 more of - market updates; learn more about investment; understand what to and what not to look for in share investment.
less of - no preference as alright with all your postings so far
67 Write more on oil and gas exploration/production companies.. I believe that with good research, there are gems waiting to be discovered.
Also more words on why you like the females that you feature?
68 Keep the things you do....
69 more of rumours
70 Your choices are ok except I wish you have less Roubini's article. He's too pessimistic. Maybe bring in somebody who's a bit more optimistic for a change? Or at least some positive note. :)
71 local regulatory changes in the investment industry
72 more tips, you have been very accurate so far. Regret I did not hear of your blog sooner. your general info is good also.
73 local economy, real estate and stock market outlook....
74 I would prefer to share with us which particular stocks to buy and sell (with price mentioned).
75 local market

The above are just a sample, ... how to please anybody or even a majority, or even just a substantial number of you??? Its all over the place. Everybody has their own objective and interests. What I write may go over the heads of some, or be too simplistic to others. Its a hard line to walk. Still, I will try to take some of the suggestions though. Thanks.

p/s photos: A tribute to Miss X'cellent Discovery 2008 Haruna Yabuki, and the new Miss X'cellent Discovery 2009 Reon Kadena, I am sure you readers would agree with the choices.


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