Need An Events Manager - Help!

I have been getting a lot of emails from university students and fresh graduates on how to get into Financial Markets. I think there is a big audience (students and parents). While I am willing to organise a talk (not free one la), I am having problems with the logistics. I need an events organiser (or entrepreneur) to help me with this.

What I require from the organiser:
- to book the venue
- to market the event to colleges
- to have sales points (or internet booking facility) for ticket sales
- can go on revenue share

The gist of the talk:

Planning A Career In Financial Markets

Do you aim to be:
- a Fund Manager
- an Equity Analyst
- a Forex Trader
- a Private Equity player
- an Investment Banker
- a Corporate Finance executive
- an equity Dealer
- a Bond Trader
- a Hedge Fund analyst

The talk is by S Dali of Investing Scents weekly business column in The Star. He is an ex fund manager and head of research, for local and foreign investment houses, having worked in Sydney, HK, Tokyo, Singapore and KL.

Topics covered:
- the right degrees for the right careers
- ranked universities vs local universities vs second tier foreign universities
- specific subjects and majors
- is CFA the passport to success
- are you suited for the financial markets or do you just want to get rich quick
- getting through the front door, reworking your resume
- indirect passages to sound financial markets' careers
- what if your degree consisted of poor grades
- critical success factors to have for viable financial markets career
- remuneration scale for financial markets
- command of English, essential or unnecessary
- things financial markets employers look for
- is financial markets for you
- things they don't teach at business classes

Serious parties only, please email me at


p/s photos: Kristy Yeung Kung Yue, also note that the girls featured in this blog will not be part of the talk


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