Love's Tapestry Coming Out On 18 December 2009

Really looking forward to another great local album. Remember 2V1G, the brainchild of Leslie Loh, and now he has assembled Roger Wang again but pairing his virtuosity with Gina Panizales (born and raised in Iloilo City, Philippines, but has been a regular performer in Malaysia). 2V1G was in Chinese, this is in English I believe and judging from the weekly updates from Leslie, this will be another excellent album by these talented and passionate mostly-Malaysians. Date of release 18 December 2009.
Updated: After the Solianos gig, I went with Leslie to his car to get a listen to the copy of Love's Tapestry. I must say that I am honoured to be among the first few to get a sampling. The songs were ballads from the 70s and 80s mainly, but taken down to a tender level, interspaced with the delicate guitar playing of Roger, coupled with the mature vocals of Gina, giving each song a fresh take. If you grew up in the 70s and 80s, you will love this album. Songs that you listened to when you slow danced, when you fell in love or were infatuated with someone, songs you listened to when you made the best friends ever, at a time where nobody wanted to rip you off, take advantage of you, a time when you made real friends ... The first song was the enchanting Fallen, given a samba feeling, and as Leslie said, the album starts off with falling in love and works itself into a loving relationship and the end comes heartbreak. My favourites include Just Tell Me You Love Me, a sublime and tender take on the England Dan & JF Coley classic - its more nuanced, slower and delicate than the original. The other has to be Still, originally by the Commodores, which I thought was too sparse as it left a lot of dead sound in the original - Gina's heartbreaking rendition added layers to the song coupled with Roger's sublime guitar play. The other worthy of mentioning was Roger's only instrumental piece, the Beatles' Here, There & Everywhere, the guitar phrasing and mood plucking was absorbing to say the least. Can't wait for the real thing ....

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We all know Roger Wang well (link on my webpage on the left column), to get a listen of Gina's voice, go to the link below where she has loaded a few songs from her first album "Finally".

p/s: Leslie & I will be meeting up tonight to see The Solianos at NoBlackTie. In case you were wondering, the Solianos just happen to be the best grouping of family musicians Malaysia has ever had.


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