Stock Take On Highlighted Counters & Returns

Green Packet magnified the returns from 30% to 50%. Out of the stock for now.

DRB-Hicom, had a bit of run, then petered out. Corporate exercise seems not to be panning out, cut.

IJM Land, in at 1.81, supposed to wait for the 30% before, now 2.62... 44% take half profit, let the rest ride... but have a stop-loss(gain) at 2.50.

CIMB, in at 10.30, now at 12.44... 20%, will hold for the 30%.

QL Resources, in at 3.34, now at 3.46... wait for bonus.

Sep 7: Kurnia Asia 0.58, went to 0.76 (+31%), now at 0.70, took half profit, let the rest ride, stop-loss (gain) at 0.64.

Sep 16: TAS Offshore: in 0.78, had a run to 0.89, back to 0.80, still ok.

Sep 17: Ann Joo, in 2.30, now at 2.70, +17%, will wait for 3.00.

Sep 24: NSTP: in 2.08, went to 2.51, news out, play is over, today massive correction, good to buy and convert to MP and get the free warrants if can get NSTP below 2.15.

Sep 28: Hock Seng Lee, in 1.02, went to 1.20, now at 1.15, can wait till Budget news out then sell.

Sep 29: TAE, in 1.45, hold for TA Global exercise.

Oct 5: Sunrise in 2.09, went to 2.65 (+26%), now at 2.43. Didn't quite get 30% but enough, out for now.

Oct 7: Evergreen, in 1.01, now 1.07, some ways to go.

Oct 8: CSC Steel, in 1.08, now 1.23 (+13.8%), strong accumulation by institutional funds, will keep.

Oct 9: BRDB, in 1.72, now 1.90, small position, will wait till volume breaks out.

Oct 12: Fajar, recent posting.

Oct 14: Weida, recent posting.

Oct 16: Efficient e-Solutions, recent posting.

The above were views on stocks and sectors that I like, not an invitation to buy or sell. It serves as a blogging activity of my investing thoughts and ideas, this does not represent an investment advisory service as I charge no subscription or management fees (donations are welcomed though). The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. The ideas expressed are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis, or commentary on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.


Thursday, September 03, 2009

Looking Back On Returns

For the first quarter of 2009 I don't think I recommended to look at any one stock as I was not convinced of a rally or a substantive run. The good thing about blogging is that your views are all there to be examined, scrutinsed and criticised ... but it also allows you to reflect and note how your views evolve. Like a diary, the most notable postings started around April 24 this year (can go and check). Its fun to look at how things have turned out, bearing in mind that my assertion that stocks I like should have at least a 30% upside within 6 months, so far so good. If I can get a batting average of 65%, I am happy. There are not many runs in a year for a market like Malaysia, once its there, you have to seize the day and then exit when things are looking dowdy. Usually you can count on 2 runs a year lasting anywhere from 4 -15 weeks each time. Bull markets do not make us smarter, it makes picking winners easier.

Looking Back

April 24 - Confirmation of A Bull Run For Bursa

April 24 - Stocks & Sectors I Like As CI Breaches 1,000
(Property: SP Setia, UEM Land, even Talam, Sunway City, even MK Land. Financials: AMMB, EON Cap). ... safe to say that these property and financial picks outperformed the market substantially ... so far
April 27 - Talam Coming Out Of PN17 0.08 ... had a good run for a while even at 0.14 or 0.15 at some point I believe, still the run should come when its officially out of PN17
April 28 - MK Land Is Pretty Oversold 0.28
... now at 0.40 but went as high as 0.47, we got our 30% or more
May 1 - Sell In May & Go Away
" History repeats itself for a reason, because they do, people never learn and they keep repeating their actions and decisions time in time out. This is the same posting I did 4 years back in May 2006, and repeated this in May 2008, so for all intents and purposes, I should also repost this for May 2009. Personally, I don't think this May-August will be a down period."
May 5 - Stock Picks For A Nice Trade
... these were ok performers, not spectacular, its for a quick trade, if it works good, if not, get out...
SAAG long up to 0.29
Sapuracrest long up to 1.24
IOI Corp long up to 4.50
Kulim-WB long up to 3.32
Kulim long up to 6.00

May 7 - Go Long On The Brokers .. these were good runs, TA went to 1.27 (now 1.20), Affin went to 2.04 (now 1.88), ECM went to 0.78 (now 0.63), HDBS went to 1.75 (now 1.58), Kenanga went to 0.75 (now 0.65), OSK went to 1.58 (now 1.39)
TA long up to 1.03

TA-WB long up to 0.06
Affin long up to 1.77
Affin-WC up to 0.14
ECM long up to 0.66
HDBS long up to 1.45
Kenanga up to 0.68
OSK long up to 1.38

May 29 - Why I Like Pelikan 0.98
... possibly the best call so far, now still at 1.52, we got our 30% here
June 4 - A Timely Look At B-Land & B-Toto 3.26 / 4.74
.. both did well, especially B-Land
June 11 - Tanjong, This One Can Buy & Hold 13.00
... now at 15.82, up 21% so far, a bit more to go to get our 30%
June 11 - Whoops! There It Is (GenM) 2.90
... now at 2.79, not good, I would cut now ..
June 23 - I Like Green Packet At Current Levels 0.70
... very good entry levels at 0.70, now share price still at 0.705 but I get 1 right and 1 warrant basically FREE for every 2 shares, great return, easily way past 30%
July 13 - Market Commentary - "I don't like many stocks now as I think markets do look tired, but if you point a gun to my head to force me to buy one stock to hold till rest of they year, I would probably say E&O" 1.04 ...if anybody read this closely, they would have made a bundle, went ballistic today to a high of 1.52
July 17 - Why I Would Buy Astro Now 3.62
.. 3.43 now, news did not filter out as I had hoped, wishy washy developments, sell
July 24 - Why I Am Keen On MPHB Now 1
.58 ... 2.11 now, we got 33%, enough
August 4 - Why I Like DRB Hicom 1.13 ... went towards 1.30 but fizzled out, still very keen on this, can hold on
August 12 - Why I Like IJM Land 1.81
... went to 2.05, now at 1.98, will wait for my 30%
August 21 - Why I Like Bumi-Commerce Bank 10.30
...recent call...
August 27 - Why I Like QL Resources 3.34 ...recent call ...

The above were views on stocks and sectors that I like, not an invitation to buy or sell. It serves as a blogging activity of my investing thoughts and ideas, this does not represent an investment advisory service as I charge no subscription or management fees (donations are welcomed though). The content on this site is provided as general information only and should not be taken as investment advice. All site content, shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security or financial instrument. The ideas expressed are solely the opinions of the author. Any action that you take as a result of information, analysis, or commentary on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Consult your investment adviser before making any investment decisions.

p/s photos: Liyana Jasmay


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