Will the U.S. Dollar Lose its Preeminence?

I get asked once a month or so if the U.S. dollar is likely to lose its global preeminence. Jeffrey Williamson has a nice discussion of this topic in "The Dollar and US Power," which is available at the website of the Peterson Institute of International Economics.

Williamson first points out that the dollar is indeed the preeminent global currency (citations omitted): " The US dollar is absolutely dominant as the intervention currency: Most countries intervene in nothing except dollars. It is the major unit in which about 60 percent of official foreign exchange reserves are held ... It was estimated in the past that close to a half of all international trade was invoiced in dollars (Hartmann 1998), as opposed to under 12 percent of world trade that involved
the United States in 2011. So far as foreign exchange trading is concerned, most takes place against the dollar, resulting in a share of foreign exchange trading of about 85 percent ... For the moment, the dollar is quite unrivalled."

How does the preeminence of the U.S. dollar benefit the U.S. economy? Williamson points out the classic tradeoff. On one side, the advantages of "seignorage;" on the other side, an inability to control one's own exchange rate. Here's Williamson on seignorage:

"The standard economic analysis holds that the United States gains by international use of the dollar because of the collection of seigniorage. Historically the term seigniorage meant the ability of the sovereign to make a profit when it minted metal into money. In our context the term is used to signify the ability to make a profit from international holding of the currency. There are generally reckoned to be two sources of profit from foreign holdings of the dollar. One arises from holdings of dollar bills (in practice, $100 bills) by foreigners (in practice, mainly drug dealers): In effect, the US gains an interest-free loan to the extent that foreigners hold dollar bills. The other arises from the fact that many foreigners wish to hold dollar assets. The preferred form of assets are US Treasury bills, and therefore the interest rate on US Treasury bills is somewhat lower than it otherwise would be; and the saving is regarded as a part of seigniorage."
However, the gains from zero-interest loan of the use of U.S. currency to drug dealers, along with those who borrow in U.S. dollars getting an interest rate that's a tiny bit lower, are not large. The tradeoff is that when everyone else is using your currency, then the exchange rate value of that currency will be largely determined in global markets.

Williamson also tackles the question of whether the preeminence of the U.S. dollar gives the U.S. government additional power in the practical world of power politics. He writes:"I have the impression that the additional national power which stems from commanding an international currency tends to be exaggerated by strategic thinkers. One needs to designate the specific mechanisms which would be involved rather than assuming the result."

The one possible exception, he argues, is that a U.S. dollar standard might make it more possible for the U.S. government to enforce financial sanctions on unfriendly governments. "It is difficult to see how US power in many dimensions is enhanced by virtue of the widespread private international use of the dollar. For example, the US ability to wage war in Iraq and Afghanistan was in no way dependent upon private international use of the dollar. ... There seems to be one large exception: the ability of a country to enforce a financial blockade, such as that currently directed against specified Iranian entities. ... The United States can order its own companies not to do business with Iran, but this power is present in any sovereign government and is in no way dependent on the role of the dollar. But because third countries generally pay Iran in dollars, the United States government does have additional leverage. Any payment in dollars ultimately involves a transfer on the books of the Federal Reserve banks ...  The Fed can require that any institution for which it does business has to certify that it either has no prohibited connection with Iran or is in receipt of a waiver. They can similarly require that an institution that contracts with the Fed impose similar requirements on the institutions on behalf of which they are acting. (Of course, the Fed does not inspect each transaction, but depends upon financial institutions to do the screening, with stiff penalties possible if prohibited transactions slip through. A recent example occurred when Standard Chartered Bank was accused by the New York state Department of Financial Services of having hidden some $250 billion of financial transactions with Iran.) Thus the United States has the ability to stop transactions in terms of dollars. Insofar as foreign institutions insist on paying out of their dollar holdings, and/or Iran insists on receiving dollars, Iran is going to be vulnerable to US pressure."

In a global economy where the total size of China's economy will probably exceed that of the U.S. within the next few years, can the U.S. dollar stay on top? As Williamson points out, the key issue here is not the size of a nation's domestic economy, but rather the fact that  the U.S. dollar is already being extensively used for international transactions gives it a kind of momentum, making it likely that it will continue being used for this purpose for at least a few decades into the future. Williamson writes:
"Those who wish to transact in this [global] market are not greatly interested in the fact that the good citizens of Idaho overwhelmingly use the dollar, but they are vitally interested in the fact that the dollar is already used extensively in London, Frankfurt, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, and wherever else international trades are executed. This factor gives a great deal of inertia to the international role of currencies. Because of inertia, I see the dollar having a great advantage over any other national currency for the next quarter of a century. (However, I would hesitate to forecast for as long as 50 years.)"
Similarly to Williamson, I don't see the global preeminence of the U.S. dollar as a large-scale advantage for the U.S. economy, although it should make it at least a little easier for U.S. banks and firms to operate in world markets. One can draw up schemes and scenarios in which the U.S. dollar is replaced by some mix of the euro, China's renminbi yuan, Japan's yen, India's rupee, and perhaps a few others. But such a change would require an enormously high level of international financial cooperation, and thus seems highly unlikely. By default, the U.S. dollar seems likely to remain the preeminent global currency for some decades to come.

Annual Report from the Conversable Economist: 2012

At the beginning of each year, it seems useful to reflect on what I'm doing with this blog. Last year's report is here.

For me, there are two main reasons for sustaining the Conversable Economist blog: one personal, one social. The personal reason is that writing these posts helps organize and motivate my own reading and thinking. It encourages me to spend a little extra time tracking down a report or reading through a working paper. When I need to track down a figure or a table or a quotation that I just know I saw someplace, I use the "search" command on the blog to find it. Thus, the blog extends the capacity of my own memory and improves my ability to access past information.

My social motivations for the blog seem less obvious to at least some readers, who occasionally send me notes suggesting more opinions of my own and more day-to-day commentary on the opinions of others. As I see it, the world and the web are overflowing with opinions, and pure opinion is a devalued currency. Instead, my approach is every post should give you some facts or background or analysis that you might not otherwise have seen. I am ever-mindful of the advice from the classic work on expository prose, The Elements of Style, by William Strunk and E.B. White (Third  Edition, 1979, Section V, Rule 17):

"Unless there is a good reason for its being there, do not inject opinion into a piece of writing.  We all have opinions about almost everything, and the temptation to toss them in is great. To air one’s views gratuitously,  however, is to imply that the demand for them is brisk, which may not be the case, and which, in any event, may not be relevant to the discussion. Opinions scattered indiscriminately about leave the mark of egotism on a work."

I am fully aware that expressing concern about "the mark of egotism" while writing for social media in the 21st century marks me as a person out of step with my time.

But of course, I'm making no particular effort to hide my opinions, either. They are manifest in my choices about what to read, what topics to blog about, what figures or tables to reproduce, and in comments I often include in the posts. I'm just not expressing my opinions in the sweeping generalizations and  "you're an idiot" vernacular of the web.  As I explain on my FAQs page, the "Conversable Economist" name for this blog is drawn from an essay by David Hume, who lamented the "separation of the learned from the conversable world." Hume wrote: “I cannot but consider myself as a kind of resident or ambassador from the dominions of learning to those of conversation, and shall think it my constant duty to promote a good correspondence betwixt these two states, which have so great a dependence on each other.”

When I think about the style of exposition appropriate to acting as an ambassador from academic economics to the conversable world, I'm reminded of a comment from another classic work on expository prose, H. W. Fowler's  A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926). (And yes, when you work as an editor, you have a shelf full of such books.) Under the heading on “French Words,” Fowler offers advice about how to use specialized knowledge or vocabulary with readers who aren't necessarily familiar with the terms. Although he is writing about the use of French terms in English composition, the lesson applies to the use of economics terms in English composition, too.  Fowler wrote:

"Display of superior knowledge is as great a vulgarity as display of superior wealth — greater, indeed, inasmuch as knowledge should tend more definitely than wealth towards discretion & good manners. ... To use French words that your reader or hearer does not know or does not fully understand, to pronounce them as if you were one of the select few to whom French is second nature when he is not one of those few (& it is ten thousand to one that neither you nor he will be so), is inconsiderate & rude."

And yes, I am fully aware that expressing concerns about how excessive use of terminology is a "vulgarity," about how "knowledge should tend more definitely than wealth towards discretion & good manners" and about a distaste for being "inconsiderate & rude," while at the same time writing for social media in the 21st century, marks me yet again as a person out of step with my time.

Because one of my purposes in continuing this blog is social, I do care about readership. During the last few months of 2012, about 1000 people were signed up to receive each blog post by RSS or email. In addition, the blog is receiving an average of about 2500 pageviews per day. Pageviews are somewhat seasonal--for example, they dropped off in July and August when much of academia is on summer break--but overall the number has been rising through 2012. In November, my desire to find ways to connect to more readers overcame my innate aversion to Twitter, so now it is possible to receive a tweet each time I put up another post at the blog.

If you are someone who enjoys the blog, I encourage you to check in regularly, sign up, and recommend it to others. As always, I'm glad to hear from readers of the blog with either general or specific feedback, at conversableeconomist@gmail.com.

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